Formerly known by the working title, Transformers: Heroes, Transformers Animated debuted December 26, 2007, on Cartoon Network, and represents yet another fresh start for the animated Transformers universe, albeit one that draws inspiration from many of its antecedents, including, for the first time, elements drawn from the 2007 live-action film. Opening in a manner similar to Beast Wars, the series takes place centuries after the end of the Autobot-Decepticon war, and centers on a small group of Autobots voyaging through space on missions. The group is a Space Bridge repair crew led by academy washout Optimus Prime, who stumble across the legendary life-giving Allspark on a routine mission, drawing the attention of the long-exiled Decepticons under the command of Megatron. As a result of the ensuing battle, Megatron and the Autobots crash land on Earth, while the other Decepticons are scattered through space. Megatron's remains are discovered by the young Isaac Sumdac, who reverse-engineers his Cybertronian technology to create massive leaps in Earth machinery, transforming the planet into a technological utopia over the course of the following fifty years. The Autobots spend these years in stasis, but when they are awakened as a result of one of Sumdac's experiments in techno-organic fusion going berserk, they publicly save the day, befriend Sumdac's daughter Sari (who later reveals to be a robot herself), and quickly establish themselves as a force for justice on Earth.
The core Autobot team is led by Optimus Prime (voiced by David Kaye, famous for voicing the Megatrons of the Beast Era and Unicron Trilogy) and consists of the speedy, wise-cracking Bumblebee, gentle giant Bulkhead, aged, ornery medic Ratchet and loner ninja Prowl. Early antagonists in the series will be superhuman villains, some of whom will obtain powers through Transformer technology, with the scattered Decepticons (Starscream, Blackarachnia, Lugnut and Blitzwing) periodically arriving on Earth in their search for Megatron and the Allspark. The series will also feature many other additional Transformers characters in guest appearances and recurring roles, including Arcee, Ironhide, bounty hunter Lockdown, Earth machines brought to life by the Allspark such as the Dinobots, the Constructicons and Wreck-Gar, and the Autobot Cybertron Elite Guard, including Ultra Magnus (Supreme Commander of the Autobots), Sentinel Prime, Blurr and Jazz.
The show's supervising director is Matt Youngberg (Teen Titans, The Batman), with Cartoon Network vice-president Sam Register as executive producer and Vincent Aniceto as line producer. Beast Machines writer Marty Isenberg returned to Transformers as the story editor/head writer for this series, and it is voice-directed by Susan Blu, the original voice of G1 Arcee, who will be voicing the character again in this series. Art director/lead character designer Derrick Wyatt (Teen Titans, Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends, Legion of Super Heroes) has created a "brand new look" unlike anything seen in Transformers before. The series is being distributed internationally by Entertainment Rights.[4]
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